I do believe in the work Jesus Christ did two thousand years ago, and as part of my beliefs in the Bible, God's commandments to mankind, and His plan for us, I feel I've been. So firstly, you may realize that by my signature, I am Christian. I have a few reasons why, as well, that I'd like to explain before you download this amazingly realistic graphics pack to replace your graphics folder with. Next year, today shall also be the first anniversary of the day I leave. But, alas! Today is Christmas Day, the third anniversary of my discovery of SMBX. Sometimes, I got huge sparks of inspiration and just started tearing away at the remaining graphics to do, while other days I simply couldn't figure out what to do for the life of me. I've been working on it, little by little ever since. About two years ago, I promised a redrawn graphics pack. Im stumped, i really want to create a custom game.It is done. Block.ini, or background.ini) from data/templates folder, and put all 3 in the graphics folder. png into your 'level folder', which, in my smbx2 and the tutorial, was just a blank folder in 'worlds', so i put it in, and even put my created level file in there, and even as far as trying to put a copy of the whole graphics folder in as well, but it didnt work.Īnother method i found on the forum says to take a pic from the graphics folder, the. (i made a copy of a wooden block in paint and colored it to test (tutorial used asesprite, but it looks like its just a nice program for easier sprite work and paint should work as its just. supposed to edit a picture from the smbx2 graphics folder. In SMBX2, i have looked around the smbx website forum but i am not permitted to use the search function or even register, so i havent been able to find much help, i also watched youtube tutorials, but it didnt actually work.